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Croatian Franciscans

Hrvatski franjevci 

USA & Canada 


“For it is in giving that we receive...”  

[St. Francis of Assisi ]

We, the friars of the Holy Family Custody, have been chosen by God to live our Christian calling in Franciscan fraternity, simplicity and prayerfulness. We share this charism with the Croatian immigrants, their descendants and all others in whose lives we share through the generosity of God.


We do this specifically through our parish ministry, publications, educational programs, evangelization efforts and through other forms of ministry appropriate to our calling. We journey with others as pilgrims making our way to the eternal kingdom in which God's rule will be fully established.


[Sv. Franjo Asiški ]

Mi, franjevci kustodije sv. Obitelji, pozvani smo od Gospodina na življenje svoga kršćanskog poziva u franjevačkom bratstvu, jednostavnosti i duhu molitve.  Svoju franjevačku karizmu živimo s hrvatskim iseljenicima, njihovim potomcima i svima drugima, s kojima smo povezani po velikodušnosti Božjoj. 


To činimo, na poseban način, župnim pastoralom, tiskanom riječi, odgojnim programima,evangelizacijom i drugim oblicima služenja koji su u skladu s našim pozivom.  Hodočastimo s drugima prema vječnoj domovini, u kojoj će u potpunosti biti uspostavljeno Božje kraljevstvo.

Help Those In Need

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

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Franciscans of the
Holy Family Custody

Hrvatska franjevačka kustodija
Svete Obitelji

+1 (773) 536 - 0552

4848 S. Ellis Ave

Chicago, IL 60615

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